Program evaluation triangulates qualitative and quantitative data to provide perspective on what's working and what isn't.
Longitudinal studies often happen over a multi-year period where there is the desire to know how something, e.g. performance or retention, changes over time.
Particularly for new or growing organizations, doubling down on data collection and data integrity can pay dividends for years to come. We can assist you in defining and targeting metrics, while avoiding pitfalls and embracing best practices in data collection.
Unsure where to begin? Starting with an analysis of how current and past growth relates back to internal and external variables like advertising, employee training and experience, region, or budget can be highly informative. These overarching studies can reframe the organizational dialogue, shedding light on the most likely strategies that will lead to improved outcomes.
The aim of professional development activities is to empower teachers and leaders to make use of data (qualitative and quantitative) to drive decision-making. Workshops are hands-on and to the extent possible will draw upon real student data provided from districts and schools.
Quantily offers the following services related to grant writing and management:
- Grant prospecting and strategizing, identifying appropriate grant opportunities.
- Professional Development for grant managers. Example offerings include team building, establishing effective partnerships, ethical decision-making, mission and vision exercises, communicating allowable and unallowable expenses, a year-round meeting cycle to meet grant requirements, etc.
-Federal, state, and philanthropic grant strategy.